R. Brady Frost
Brady spent his early years on the family’s four acres surrounded by tomatoes, giant zucchini, and countless animals and critters.
As the years wore on, Brady discovered an innate love for technology. He was caught sticking a magnet into an electrical outlet at his preschool on Hill Air Force Base and, while he didn’t gain super powers, he soon began dismantling the family’s broken electronics. In time this behavior spread to taking apart functioning appliances. Before anyone could stop him, he was piecing together his Frankenstein robot army, which resulted in more than a few popped fuses but, according to official records, caused no lasting damage.
Of course, besides technology, Brady loves to write. His first story, The Lion and the Turtle, was published on the board outside Ms. Shupe’s first grade classroom for the entire school to read.
After marrying his high school sweetheart, Brady joined the military where he met many interesting people, did some amazing things, and devoured the stories of those he served with. One of the greatest things about his enlistment was his four year tour in Anchorage, Alaska. A cherished memory from that time was panning for gold with his family in the great outdoors.
Brady writes engaging, character-driven stories where his words bring life to the tales he spins.
Gryphon Frost
Gryphon Frost is a young author who found a love for general content creation when he was a little kid watching Minecraft videos late at night. Although he was too scared to pursue it himself seriously, this love would manifest itself in many different ways throughout the years.
Gryphon spent the majority of his school life staying quiet, scrawling drawings and stories in his notebooks. The only exception for this was English class, which he was always very popular in for no conceivable reason. Of course, it could've just been subconscious admiration for the innate talent with which he wrote his first unfinished story with, a Harry Potter parody where everyone is very mean to each other. It was only a couple pages long and written at such a young age that Gryphon had to ask his parents if he could include a swear word because it would be funny.
They said yes, and it was.
Be sure to check out Gryphon's first book, The Weakest Frost Mage - Magus Rising (Book 1): An EndWorld Everlasting Saga. Available on Amazon.com on August 3rd, 2023.